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美国西雅图黄晓楓博士 原创交响乐作品音乐会

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万象更新 美国西雅图黄晓楓博士 原创交响乐作品音乐会


Aaron Copland(科普兰)-Samule Adler -Roger Briggs - 黄晓楓

- Roger Briggs博士现为美国西华盛顿大学音乐系作曲教授,原瓦特卡交响乐团指挥

- Samule Adler现为美国朱丽亚音乐学院苏曼交椅作曲教授

- Aaron Copland(科普兰)是二十世纪美国最伟大的作曲家之一。

黄晓楓是在美国居住21年后,开始师从Roger Briggs学习西方音乐理论和作曲。这场音乐会是中国驻美国旧金山总领事馆推荐的,将展示的全部是原创、中西合璧、国家正急需的、体现中华文化软实力、美籍华人作曲家黄晓楓博士的作品。其作品包括声乐、器乐、和大型交响乐。作品有西方交响乐团演奏具中国传承精神的交响乐作品,中国民族乐器加盟西方交响乐团的中西合璧作品。从作曲方法上讲作品涵盖从古典音乐方法到现代西方先锋派作曲方法手段,12 平均律序列,多和声体系,由12 平均律衍变的集调,以及中和所有这些古典和现代于一体的尝试。从艺术表现形式看,其作品跨度从调式音乐到无调式的、非序列的“纯音乐” 如第二交响乐第一乐章(类似于绘画领域里的抽象画),通过表现音阶里最基本的元素,即最小的音阶“半音阶”的关系来探索体现我们对宇宙、生灵、及人生哲学的思考,并以中国的“太极”图为依托。

黄晓枫博士来自于中国吉林,他从小就聪颖好学,尤其对音乐产生极大地兴趣,是一个拥有极高音乐天赋的人,他不仅会拉小提琴,还学过钢琴,而且还能创作词曲,这也只是他的业余爱好。1978年高考恢复后考入了中国矿业学院。1982年获得采矿工程学士学位。进而考取教育部的出国留学研究生。1984年他开始在美国读研,并于1989年及1990年分别获得威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的岩石力学硕 士及博士学位。而后投身工程界。与工程事业平行,他对西方古典音乐的爱好与日俱增,并日渐积累。尤其他在陪儿子学习小提琴过程中发现出生在美国本土的华裔 孩子很难把握和理解传统的中国曲子,而且孩子们学的,练的大都是西方曲子并且驾轻就熟,这样一来,久而久之就会忘掉我们中华文化传统最美好的音乐,忘掉我 们的根。于是黄晓枫就暗暗下定决心,一定要想办法来解决这个问题。怎么能让中国传统音乐融入西方音乐,并且激励我们的华人后裔学习和掌握这些曲子,进而给他们提供一个展示自我才华的机会和舞台,使他们拥有成就和自豪感呢?带着这个崇高的使命和责任感,他于是师从Roger Briggs博士学习西方音乐理论与作曲。功夫不负有心人他成功创作了20余部交响乐及室内乐作品。


《龙腾虎跃》 - 序曲

《中国女孩》第一乐章 - 大提琴协奏曲

《武功》 - 京胡京二胡二重协奏曲

《格》 第一乐章 - 第二交响乐

《大闹天宫》 - 交响乐与民族乐器

《沁园春- 雪》 - 男高音与合唱

《寻梦,1984》 - 小提琴协奏曲

《祖国、我亲亲的母亲》 - 花腔女高音与合唱

主办: 中国交响乐发展基金会




承办: 中国广播交响乐团


协办: 瑞图控股(中国)有限公司


时间: 2016 年1 月21 日星期四 晚7:30

地点: 北京音乐厅

乐团: 中国广播电影交响乐团



"A magnificent world symphonic concert "Renewed China" has been recorded recently in Beijing Music Hall, from Seattle-based, renowned composer, Austin Huang told (with eight original symphonic works) about oversea Chinese Art and Life, and to the global Chinese sent Spring greetings. This symphonic concert, blending a variety of western music elements, enhances the Chinese people's international influence, and open China to the world... "

- Report by Beijing Weekend

The concert was recommended by the Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco to promote the development of Chinese symphonic music. "Austin Huang's works have a unique style. His music theory and composition is not learned in China, rather, after living in the United States for over twenty years, he has learned from music professors and composers in the United States. His works are what we need in China, representing the Chinese cultural soft power, and some is even groundbreaking such as the Overture developed from Northeast Chinese folk music. " - Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco Cultural Counselor Xiao Xiayong.

The concert has had a positive effect. In China due to the special historical reasons, the violin concerto has been almost a "forbidden area" in composition. The concert launched the violin concerto "Pursuing Dream, 1984", which has been loved and accepted by the audience, a very rare breakthrough. This is due to both its beautiful northern melody, and the sense of the modern contemporary music, it makes us feel that the music describes our own stories about fighting for the rise of the Chinese nation's arduous life experience, thus produces a strong resonance, to achieve the China dream is our common the strongest voice in the era.

Jinghu and JingErhu double concerto "Kongfu" in particular is favorite by the popular. This shows once again that the Chinese culture, especially those with very distinctive feature and color of the Chinese musical instruments must be written by the Chinese people themselves to truly reflect their mysteries, rather than let those foreigners who do not have a deep understanding of Chinese culture to write this type work, which can only be waste of time.

As composer and professor of music at Beihua University's School of Music, Tian Yuanpoints out, the concert features world-class contemporary avant-garde works, so that the concert will be recorded into the music history.

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